In accordance with the ETIPWind Terms of Reference, Executive Committee (EXCO) members elected Adrian Timbus of Hitachi ABB Power Grids as the new EXCO Chair. Timbus will take up the post from July 2020 onwards.

Timbus emphasised that, as the energy transition gathers pace, the work of the European Technology & Innovation Platform on wind energy (ETIPWind) continues to remain urgent. “As we continue innovating and making wind energy even more competitive, it is essential to push boundaries”, Timbus said. “The goal is to develop concepts for a 100% renewable-powered energy system, including wind power that provides the needed functionality and in turn, contributes to a greener economic recovery”.

Aidan Cronin, Advisory Specialist, Technical Advisory, Siemens Wind Power A/S
ETIPWind informs research and innovation policy at European and national level. The need for research and innovation in wind energy has never been higher: wind energy has the potential to be the backbone of Europe’s decarbonised energy mix. But, Timbus noted, this requires cooperation between a wide range of stakeholders. “By joining forces with grid operators and other stakeholders, the wind industry is well positioned to develop the necessary plans which will support the EU in reaching their ambitions on the decarbonisation of the energy sector. I look forward to initiating and promoting such stakeholder dialogs on behalf of ETIPWind and to ensure that ETIPWind expertise contributes to the European Union’s sustainable energy vision.”
Timbus takes on the role of Chair from Aidan Cronin (Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy), who stepped down after three successive ETIPWind Steering Committee. Speaking about his experience, Cronin said, “In chairing ETIPWind I had the honour to work with a group of extremely committed individuals from academia, research institutions and industry. The ETIPWind Executive Committee is a unique multitalented and decisive forum. ”
Cronin echoed Timbus’ comments on the potential for wind energy and insisted on the importance of a platform like ETIPWind in meeting the challenges of the energy transition. “Wind energy can drive the energy transition forward. We can provide bulk green electricity to electrify the economy and support the production of renewable hydrogen and e-fuels. But energy and political systems have a built-in inertia and are slow to change. The ‘business as usual scenario’ has to be challenged by good science and high-quality engineering. ETIPWind with its fact-based recommendations is ideally suited to ensure a sustainable future.”
Cronin wished Timbus every success in his new role: “I fully support Adrian Timbus as the new EXCO Chair as he steers ETIPWind forward to deliver the impact it can and deserves to do.”