Paula Pinho
Head of Unit for Energy Policy Coordination at DG ENER, European Commission
Paula Pinho is responsible for the Energy Policy Coordination and notably for strategy, planning and legal questions.
She has been previously Member of Cabinet of Commissioner Günther Oettinger both in his quality of Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society and during his mandate as Commissioner for Energy. She was then responsible for energy security and infrastructure and the overall coordination of the international dimension of energy policy.
As a member of the Cabinet, she was involved in the negotiations of the Southern Corridor and the EU negotiations with Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan regarding the TransCaspian pipeline. She was also involved in the trilateral gas talks between the EU, Russia and Ukraine. During the EU Commission 2004-2009, Paula was Member of Cabinet of Markos Kyprianou, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection, and Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Health.
Paula joined the European Commission in 2000, where she worked in DG MARKT on the international aspects of public procurement. She then joined DG TRADE and coordinated the Free Trade Agreement negotiations with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).