Belén Linares
Chief Innovation Officer, Acciona
Belén Linares has 22 years of experience in the aerospace and energy sectors, an expert in Product Development and Technology of Energy Systems and Motopropulsion, in global and international environments.
She worked 6 years in the aerospace sector at Airbus in France and in Spain, for 12 years at Siemens-Gamesa as Technical Director of Technology and Product Development in Wind Energy systems.
Since 2016, Belén has directed Innovation in Energy at Acciona, an international operator and marketer of renewable energy with more than 9GW in Operation.
She is an Aerospace Engineer and Master in Electrical Systems from the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
She has completed his postgraduate training with the Master in Senior Management for Executives at ESADE Business School (2016), Advanced Management Program at ESADE Business School (2017) and the Global Growth Strategy Program at Wharton School in Philadelphia (2019).